Donald Joseph Qualls (also known as DJ Qualls) is a fashion actor and model in the US. Alongside the Road Trip role, he has also been seen in The New Guy Hustle & Flow in addition to The Core. In addition, he has appeared on over 22 TV shows such as Breaking Bad Supernatural Scrubs Lost Law & Order and others. Qualls has been diagnosed at 14 years old with Hodgkin lymphoma, is a resilient fighter. It was remissioned after two years. His body was severely affected by the treatment and development slowed down. As he began to act, financial stability was the ultimate ambition. He had been in poverty throughout his youth. In the wake of living in poverty for so long I need this level of financial safety. If not, the world appears to be beyond my control. In a conversation the interviewer also talks about his own growing up. His goal is to end the bullying. It breaks my heart when I hear what he says. His ideal role in film as well as in real life is that of father. Director doesn't pick him to play those parts, but he does say. It would be wonderful to be one day the parent of his own child, at which point the time comes when he can devote more time with his career and spend more time with his children.
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